Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kettlebell Cardio Workout ~ May 07, 2009

I decided to use high rep 2 Hand Kettlebell swings as my cardiovascular exercise today. I used my 24 Kg (53) pound Kettlebell. 

Here is how the workout went, set by set: 

Set # 1.) (200 reps) I felt strong and could have kept going easily, but today was about Total Reps not how many I could do consecutively.  

Set # 2.) (100 reps) Got into a nice groove. Sweat was starting to pour. Feeling strong! (300 reps in)  

Set # 3.) (100 reps) Starting to feel it pretty good. Forearms starting to burn. (400 reps in)  

Set # 4.) (100 reps) Having to really focus on god form and controlling my breathing. (500 reps in)  

Set # 5.) (100 reps) Forearms on fire now. Breathing labored but even. Focusing on 25 reps at a time. (600 reps in)  

Set # 6.) (100 reps) Looking forward to the end! :-) Again 25 reps at a time. Finished STRONG! (700 reps total)  

I finished the 700 reps of 2 Hand Swings in 34:33 minutes. I didn't keep track of calories burned or my heart rate but I can tell you that I pushed my Fitness forward today for sure! 

I finished up with some AB work: 200 Total Reps 
1.) (50) 4 count flutter kicks
2.) 50 crunches
3.) 50 lying straight leg raises 
4.) 50 oblique V Ups 

Today was an excellent workout. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's workout!  

Live Strong ~ Live Lean 


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